Upgrade to our Premium Version to enhance the user experience, brand it to make it your own, and receive technical support. Disclaimer While we do our best to provide age verification using the widely used web standards, Star Plugins cannot guarantee compliance for any user, business or website Star Plugins is not legal service and cannot provide advice. Please review your local laws and consult lawyer specific to your business for information to ensure this plugin meets your needs... Go to Plugins -> Add New, search for the name of the plugin, and then find it in the list, and click Install Now, then Activate. The display design is independent of the Theme CSS to ensure consistent, clean and straight-forward user experience. No not in this free version, but with upgrade to Premium you can edit the color and addition to button colors.. Yes, this plugin is designed to work with caching plugins, and sets DONOTCACHEPAGE flag so that pages are not cached without the age verify pop-up. Our plugin is compatible with HTTPS and SSL, and we recommend your entire website runs over https to comply with web standards and to make it search engine friendly... In the version you can edit the age prompt header and the text. Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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