At WPArena, we want to know WordPress version to include in WordPress site scan will soon provide...
Readme file The quickest and easiest way to detect WordPress version is to look at the html file, e.g., https wparena com readme html...
Feed generator tag your next bet is to look at the source of RSS feed this is always found at www wparena com feed.
The version of the included files in the HTML This method is good one to check WordPress version as well.
Look at the HTML of site's homepage, and there will nearly always be some script includes common one is comment-reply file.
version of the included file is always appended to the end of URL.
E.g., they can generate MD5 Hash of the file and then compare that to library of known hashes for WP versions...
WPArena connects WordPress sites, themes, users, professionals, and industry benchmarks to create database and network that maps the world of WordPress.
These WordPress tools offer many features and benefits. WordPress site scanner dashboard to track and monitor your WordPress sites directory of WordPress professionals theme explorer and many more...
you could for example edit the files to add whitespace, or change their content.
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