Elastik Theme will showcase all the articles using grid design, the main benefit of this type of design is that all type of articles with variable shape and size will be stacked without distracting the homepage design. Elastik WordPress Theme can also work to start blog news site, portfolio or photography portal. Most of the prefer to buy responsive templates for their site, this special feature makes them in the long run of era. At the beginning of homepage, there is large featured slider to display those important articles. When user wish to visit old pages to access previous articles then will not have to use next or button. Instead of that traditional page Elastik WordPress Theme offers you numbered pagination provided at the bottom of the page, click on the number of page where you want to visit. The footer is utilized for placement task, in the demo you will see some useful widgets footer like recent comment with featured image, tweet updates, archives page and more. The slider provided on homepage will show big eye-catching buttons for to on next and previous direction, normally you can set time interval for automatic scrolling and if user wish to see them at their own speed they may use these buttons to move fast. Let me remind you that you get short-code to add gallery show with any post, suppose you are making review for some product or wish to add images for your last your or trip you add all the in the slider. Elastik WordPress Theme uses WP 3.0 drop-down menu which allows you to add this could be the choice when you want to show multiple subcategories below single parent category.
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