If your site does not work, they will assume that it's no longer live, and downtime does need to be kept to minimum.. You will never know how many potential customers you lose by suffering downtime, and the best way to deal with this is to put measures in place to prevent it happening to your WordPress site.. Jetpack by Automatic is free plugin that among other features has Monitor that checks your site every five minutes and sends you notification if your site goes down. This kind of host is made for WordPress and is designed to handle the stresses and strains such sites impose on server.. As the name suggests, the idea is to make it easier for you to manage your WordPress site. They will also send you automatic notifications to keep you informed of the status of your site, backups and suspicious logins. There are lot of these managed hosting options available, WP Engine, Pagely, Pressable, and SiteGround being just few examples.. As WordPress user, there is no excuse for not doing backups as you can set them to run without you having to do anything.. WordPress has several plugins to help keep your site secure, including Sucuri Security, iThemes Security, and BulletProof Security.. What you need to remember is that is better to spend the time preventing downtime from occurring than having to spend even more time putting things right when it does...
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