For Embroidery Decorating Firms, Textile Industries, Screen Printing Companies, Garment Decorators, Needleworkers & Cloth Stitchers... Compatible Browsers IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, iOS Safari, Opera Mini, Android Browser, Chrome for Android... Embroidery is the way of writing your dreams on the traditional or modern clothes to decorate with pearl, needle and other things that could enchant.. In order to disclose your designed on the web you need Ecommerce WordPress template that proliferate and encourage your art merchandising.. The theme is crafted for embroidery decorating firms, screen printing companies, textile industries, needleworkers, garment decorators and cloth stitchers.. In order to promote your work you need to bring your artwork online, so Embroidery Company WordPress Theme is packed with WooCommerce plugin that helps you to elaborate website where you can sell all the latest screen print designed garments or other products online 24*7 hours with no sweat.. The designed of the theme is built on Twitter Bootstrap framework that gives fluid exploring experience while your visitors exploring your website.. Each and every features of the theme gives professional tools that assist you to build up enterprise level Ecommerce website.. The formation of NeedleArt theme has product section that enables you to expose your best product like garments bedsheets, pillow cover, etc along with the image and price.. And button that will redirects your site user to the payment page where they can pay item payments securely through PayPal gateway chanel..
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