This article features Josepha Haden Chomphosy, the Executive Director of WordPress, to discuss why WordPress is so successful..
The launch of WordPress democratized online publishing, became the single most innovation to spring from Internet. The positive economic impact on millions of people worldwide cannot be overstated..
strong case could be made that WordPress, free open software, is the innovation of Internet age today..
What makes drove the success of WordPress is the fact that it's designed to be easy to install and get publishing fast.
This focus on simplicity, freedom and fostering ecosystem of innovation has, over the course of the 20 years, resulted in the launch of millions of websites and the success of millions of businesses around the world..
Jason Cross, SVP of Digital Presence and Commerce, Newfold Digital offered his observations on the adaptability of WordPress publishing platform..
Managed WordPress, in turn, bridges the best of open-source and CMS by providing powerful all-in-one solutions and the relative ease many closed platforms offer, and with significantly more control and long-term reliability via open-source software and data formats..
That web host can configure WordPress to provide similar to source system is example of the adaptability of WordPress publishing platform..
We interviewed Josepha Haden Chomphosy, the Executive Director of WordPress, to explore why WordPress is the choice for so many publishers and developers around the world...
This understanding led us to create the Five for the Future program and initiatives, ensuring the continuity and the sustainability of the project and its ecosystem...
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