Take advantage of Facebook recommendations adding Facebook Recommendations box to your site could help your visitors discover your best work faster.
Add Facebook Like to WordPress Sharebar is your best friend here.
It lets you add Facebook and other buttons to your site in way that your visitors wo not miss them...
Target your Facebook audience with Wibiya Wibiya is quite toolbar for WordPress.
Use Facebook page lightbox not all your visitors will see your Facebook buttons and boxes.
Take advantage of social analytics how your visitors interact with your posts provides you with ideas on how to improve your content strategy.
Display your Facebook posts on your website this may not be necessary if your Facebook and WordPress posts are identical.
But that's not how successful Facebook pros run their pages. Adding Recent Facebook Posts plugin to your site is one way to display your Facebook posts on your site...
You can use plugins such as SpeakUp to promote your petitions and gain more signature with the help of your Facebook fans...
The above plugins and scripts make your site Facebook-friendly and give it better chance to get more Facebook love..
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