Filtered Theme comes worth management feature which provides you custom post to develop plenty of project posts with functionality. Filtered WordPress Theme comes with collection of short-codes to add news paper type multiple columns, eye catching button to get more clicks using button, slider code to add slideshow with any page or posts. Filtered WordPress Theme is made of dynamic homepage, off portfolio items to the visitors. After the slider box, it has custom message box to add warm welcome message to create impression on visitors. Other area of homepage is used to show portfolio items with option, n using grid design to accommodate multiple entries. Filtered WordPress Theme gives you options to select different color schemes and font style that works best for your requirement. Many parts of the theme is made using Ajax and jQuery effects which tends to provide smooth and light loading excellent design. Flickr feed, custom text and more. The theme design is upto the point to serve advanced to business needs... Custom portfolio post Powerful feature to manage portfolio.
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