The template has clean design hence there will be no chance for distraction. Flick WordPress Theme comes with unique features than blog templates, the main feature of the theme is slick mouse-over effect, image and title. The articles on homepage are displayed with 2 columns grid style using featured images, case.. Moreover Flick WordPress Theme will provide number styled navigation feature to access old posts. The theme is well optimized for adsense earning, ads banner below header with every post. It comes with in-built related posts feature, this feature will increase page-views on the blog. Most of the useful plugins are already integrated with the package so you will not need to setup 3rd party plugins for basic features.. Flick WordPress Theme has manageable options panel so you will have no trouble to work with customization and other operations if you have WP admin knowledge. and for that developers have put more importance on SEO ready design so search engine robots can crawl and index easily. Photoshop layered PSD files are given with the package at free of charge for those people wanting to change design from the core part...
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