FloPress is suite of integrated tools for WordPress developers & integrators to design and build features without writing line of code.
You can do many things with FloPress like making WordPress more secure, updating post data, creating Shortcodes or whatever you want..
Visual scripting system is based on the concept of using graphical elements.
This system is flexible and powerful as it provides the ability to use the full range of concepts and tools, usually only available for developers.
Hook scripts Hooks are used to hook into parts of WordPress page to retrieve, insert, or modify data.
Shortcode scripts Shortcodes simplify the use of features WordPress..
Templates Templates can generate any text-based content like HTML, CSS, Javascript.
By linking WordPress mechanisms together, it's possible to deal with many situations that do not require the installation of complete plugin to use small part..
Get access to 70+ time-saving features Get access to great deal of ready-to-use features, directly available on your WordPress administration page..
Add 12 Plugins definitions FloPress provides hook and function definitions on some of the popular used WordPress plugins..
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