When you activate Follow for bbPress plugin, information and fields related to this plugin are added to users profile page. These infomation and fields include number of followers, number of following, follow unfollow button and followers and followers following links for displaying the followers following lists.. By clicking on followers following links, list of followers with follow buttons are shown in popup window and you can also follow other users via these lists. This plugin gains AJAX method for following unfollowing users and loading the followers following lists to improve the performance of your website.. This wall just displays the topics of the users who you follow them.. Show Forum Select yes if you want to show forum title for the in the wall section.. Number of users per load The information of how many users are loaded when you open or scroll down the followers following lists.. Limit the length of You can also limit the length of descriptions for each topic.. Display the topics of the following users in the wall section... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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