Regardless of the types of meals you're selling to your customers, Food To Prep gives you the solution to take your online, into WordPress and manage your orders from start to finish, effortlessly.. In this early version of the plugin, we've provided support using PayPal, allowing you to quickly take credit and debit card payments from your customers meaning that you don't have to handle cash and you can start prepping your orders knowing that you've already been paid.. We'll be keeping the core plugin open source and allowing you to work with it any way you like so that it can best meet your prep needs... Allow customers to add meals to their cart. Go to Meal Prep > Payment Setting and configure your PayPal integration. Go to Meals and create meals for your customers to order. Your customers will now be able to view your meals at meal-list. Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS... Code fixes to get plugin approved by WordPress.. 0.1.3, September 22, 2019. Adding payment support for PayPal.. 0.1.0, September 12, 2019.
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