The gallery to be displayed is in the server's file system, under the library of WordPress in You can upload images into this folder on the interface, through FTP, or any other way. When you call the plugin through shocode, you need to specify the folder from where it needs to read the images. For modifying already existing gallery you don't need to log in to WordPress interface it's enough to modify the images from the folder. On the interface of the plugin, it will resize the chosen images as set. The uploaded images through the plugin are automatically resized.. You copy the image to the folder, eg through FTP, and the plugin does everything else automatically.. The plugin uses it's own button for inserting content, through which the folder can be chosen and the main parameters can be set.. At the displaying of the gallery, it can be given, on how many pages the image is present. Upload the plugin files to the wp-content plugins gallery-from-files directory, or install the plugin through WordPress plugins screen directly.. Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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