When you are using shortcode to embed package, you can provide additional parameters in the width the width of the in the height the height of the in the page. start preview when set to 'true, the player will show as image with play button.. start node if the package is virtual tour, you can specify the node. You can find ID of each in the in the tour browser.. start view for panoramas and virtual tours, sets the initial view of the node. The format is 'pan tilt fov projection The parameter is optional.. url can be used instead of ID, to embed package from URL. If you are using Gutenberg Editor and want to embed package via shortcode, use Classic Block from 'Formatting section, and use Add Media button to add package from the media library.. In Inspector panel on the right, you can specify if the package should start with image and button, and set the width and height of the in the page... Upload the plugin files to the wp-content plugins ggpkg directory, or install the plugin through WordPress plugins screen directly.. After uploading the package, the plugin extracts the archive... Upload the tour to folder on server and use the shortcode to point to the tour... Upload version of the tour and then replace the in the in the upload directory... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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