This is also known as post thumbnail, is used in individual posts, pages, and custom posts and plays WordPress. the image acts as cue to what the article is about and makes the post more interesting. For example, in archive page, in recent post page, pr as the image, etc. . In these cases, the requirement is more than just displaying the in the post. First, I defined wpblog-featured-image class in CSS file order to style the image. To get featured URL, place the following code in the file single php, post php and template php... style = wpblog-featured-background-image url . < div >... The get post thumbnail id is used to retrieve the post thumbnail ID.. In many cases, the post thumbnail is the feature of the theme and not part of WordPress capabilities. To enable support for the image on post and pages, use the following snippet... < div id = custom-bg class = wpblog-featured-image style = background-image url > < div >... The wp get attachment image src returns the value of the image attribute that contains different values URL, width, height, and size of the image...
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