Google's John Mueller addressed question regarding the use of schema markup.. The question came up during Google Webmaster Central on January 22.. Is it best to add markup to the home page. In response, that it does not matter so much where the markup is used as long as it's not on every page.. Depending on the type of website, sometimes markup fits best on the home page.. Other times it may fit in on the contact page.. Mueller stresses that organization markup should not appear on every page, which is something people like to do with review markup.. Mueller conferred with other SEOs in the room, who all agreed that it's best to put markup on one page only.. As far as I know it's just the home page it does not matter for us as much because we need to be able to find it on somewhere like the home page or the contact page. where we sometimes see people put company review on all pages of the website with the hope of getting stars on the search results of every page on their site and that would be bad..
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