The goal of this article is to better educate the beginners and power users in hopes of clearing up some misunderstanding that may have existed previously..
it's the plugins that is responsible for the platform's success.
the number of WordPress plugins have too.
At the time of writing this article, there are over 21,000 WordPress plugins in WordPress plugins repository..
The purpose of plugins is to extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine.
Many users are under the illusion that adding the in their functions php file or in site-specific plugin will speed up their site.
The method would be to unregister the additional styles and scripts that being loaded by the plugin.
The short term solution for this problem is that plugin authors who loading additional stylesheets add in their plugin settings like WP-PageNavi plugin does...
This way all the user has to do is take the content of the stylesheet file and add it at the bottom of the stylesheet that they were loading..
The only other solution would be to get rid of the plugin and hire someone to build solution for you.
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