you shoulfd embed the video on your site and promote your site on Facebook instead of sharing the video directly... To embed Facebook WordPress, locate Facebook post with the video, then hover your mouse over the date link and copy the link address to your clipboard... Paste Facebook URL from your clipboard into the ' URL of video field in Embedded Video Player Configurator section ... The first section needs to be added to the header section of your theme's template... Instead of messing around with code and editing templates, you can add this code to the header section of your template using free plugin like Insert Headers and Footers... Visitors will now come to your WordPress site to watch Facebook video and share your post on Facebook, driving more traffic to your website and your business... this can stand on its own as training course and will stay with you as you progress from beginner to advanced and even guru status. - Bruce ... In this WordPress SEO training series you will learn how to optimize your WordPress site and how to craft website pages and blog posts that will help you get better search engine rankings and improve your traffic results.. Learn how to obtain and set up SSL certificate for your WordPress site, how to change your site protocol from http to https and how to set up Facebook app and import your WordPress site into Facebook.. This video course shows you how to use Aweber to set up autoresponders, newsletters and opt-in subscriber forms that can be integrated with WordPress for lead generation, engagement, and client training..
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