It's easy to add reCaptcha to various places on your WordPress site. And it protects WooCommerce side of your site, helping you avoid SPAM and those nasty automated bots.. For instance, adding it to your guest checkout or registration are just couple of ways to use it. reCaptcha for WooCommerce. The does that one thing only and it does it easily.. Once you have installed and activated it, you will find the general settings under WooCommerce > Settings > reCaptcha. This is where you put in your reCaptcha site and secret key. Then you will find activation and settings for each of these areas recaptcha options. Within each of the options, you have the choice to toggle it off or on, add field title, and adjust the reCaptcha theme and size. toggle on or off and select appearance. And as example, I have added it here for guest checkout. recaptcha on guest checkout. It's that simple to set it up and start catching those bots.
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