Google Adsense is sure one of those top monetization schemes you can enroll on your blog for good earnings. Adsense operates on PPC implicating Google commissions you for the click.. Today i am going to earn $180.29, you how i earned $210.84 yesterday, $3000.62 in the 7 days $5000.21 so far this month with balance of $7100.68 and last payment of $11,600.55. As you may see above, most of the figures are $0 because i no longer use Google Adsense on any of my sites no more. The performance section on Adsense report looks white because all figures are up to 0 and i decided to white-wash it from the rest of the sections.. If you are able to make few tweaks on your browser then you will be able to create Adsense report that reads hundreds of thousands of dollars with lot of ease. Now all you have to do is double click on the figure, enter any figure you like and click any where on the page to update it... When you enter your desired figure and click away from the developer tools pane you should notice change on the figure you right clicked on. The figures you see on the fake report are not easy to earn in Adsense world. I am not saying it's impossible to garner such income as Adsense publisher except it takes quite whole chunk of work millions of hits on your website monthly with majority being organic..
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