sitemap is list of the pages and files on your website, created for search engine crawlers or even as navigation.. By ensuring that search engines like, It might seem like simple thing, and sitemaps can improve your SEO Google have access to all the pages and files on your site. One of the easiest ways to get sitemap onto your site is with plugin. It comes with ton of settings for advanced users who need it, and majority of people can just stick with the default.. It supports default updates your robots txt automatically to add link to the sitemap, along with bunch of other nifty features.. This one is fancier and comes with unique style and the ability to customize it with CSS... there's good chance it comes with XML sitemap generator. If you're not using Yoast, check your documentation and settings pages to see if they have creator built in... The downside to this method is that the sitemap generated is static — you'll need to regenerate and reupload your sitemap.. Follow the steps to access your site, and upload the xml file to the folder.
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