In this article, you how to create real-time WordPress using JetPack ... This will take you to VaultPress website where you will see pricing for JetPack Personal plan. On the next screen, you need to enter your website address and then click on 'Start Installation button... From here you need to visit JetPack » VaultPress page to view and manage your WordPress backups... Note Depending on the contents of your website, VaultPress may take few minutes to finish the backup before it appears on this page.. From here you need to visit the Settings page and enter your SSH or SFTP credentials. then VaultPress would still be able to connect to your server using SFTP information that you provided.. The advantage of adding your SFTP access is that it helps VaultPress work more efficiently, and if you have large site, then this will help you restore faster.. Simply go to JetPack » VaultPress page and then click on 'Visit Dashboard button... This will take you to your VaultPress dashboard where you need to click on 'Backups..
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