And there's good chance you or someone you know streams there, so it's useful to know how to grab Twitch stream code for your site to get even more viewers.. The service gives you embed code that you can use in creative ways to display iframe on your WordPress site in anywhere that accepts HTML, whether that is widget, page, custom post type, or Divi Tabs module like I will show you in this example.. Like I said, Twitch wants you to get so all you have to do to get your Twitch embed code is to log into your account and click on your profile picture in the top right corner. You also have option under that to embed the chat from your stream, too, and you can follow these same instructions for it, too... For this example, I am going to use Divi Tabs module Twitter, and Facebook. Just click on the grey + to add Tabs. use Divi Code module or Custom HTML widget. Go to Appearance Widgets and select HTML Widget. Once you've decided where the widget will live, just paste the in and hit Save ... For Divi Tabs module, you will once again click on grey + to add tab for the content... And make sure you paste the Text of the module because that's the part the renders code, not the visual editor... too, and embed them, just repeat the process you followed with Twitch stream code with Twitter or YouTube one, and you're all set.. I made sure to use Twitch purple hex code, Twitter, and YouTube, So as bonus, here they all are for your copy pasting pleasure..
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