Sucuri helps with the clean-up process and it can also check your server files for malware, backdoors, phishing, and other security issues. The server side scanner by Sucuri provides you with security checks. It monitors your files for backdoors and other security issues, it also tracks file changes. You could always provide your FTP information to Sucuri to get started. Make sure you provide the information if you plan to choose that route. The scanner goes through your files and tells you if you have outdated files or security holes in your code. It maintains audit log to keep you up-to-date with server events. Keep in mind that you can always disable Sucuri by removing Sucuri-xxxxxxx php file from the root of your site.. It's well worth installing for those of you looking to get protection by Sucuri. You may want to check out. *some of our articles and lists might include aff links to fund our operations.
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