Then fill Account Name, Website Name, Website URL, Industry and Reporting time zone Setting up your account form... To install Google Analytics your WordPress Blog, this installation process in three different methods. Now you will get Google Analytics Tracking code under Website Tracking Select the code by pressing Ctrl+A in the box, then press Ctrl + C. Check Google Analytics WordPress Plugins list to understand the functions and pick one from the list as per your blog needs.. Here I am going to explain on how to install Google Analytics with WordPress plugin by taking MonsterInsights plugin. You will get the in the result page, then click on Install then click to Activate... In the settings page, click on Authenticate with your Google account, to connect Google analytics account. Now select the profile from Analytics Profile and choose your Website name from the menu and then click Next and done... if you need to check your blog statistics or reports on official analytics, follow the below steps.. Click the button and grab the free copy of Free Ultimate WordPress Blogging Guide and start your journey..
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