By step tutorial for any newbie to teach you the basic of building simple, and if you just beginner then we got simple to follow step WordPress site..
In this Step by Step tutorial for beginners we will go into DIY approach so there will not be any coding required just budget approach to building your first WordPress website you can be proud of and later keep updating with SEO practice so you can rank higher on Google search and get your business notice.
The important is to pick WordPress as your CMS if you sign up with SiteGround it will take 1-click install for you to have your site activated and WordPress install..
One of the questions you might ask the answer is make sure you go with WordPress shop theme, so if you need support or updates those will be available for you.
SiteGround is much focused on WordPress hosting as their best seller, they make it very easy for anyone looking to make WordPress website with just 1-click WordPress install and most of their apps or add-ons are 1-click install.
And if you want to switch to SiteGround from another hosting they have WordPress site migration to make it easy for any beginner to easily transfer any website to SiteGround..
You also will have a.xml file which is the demo content file go to Tools- Import WordPress Importer and then search for your.xml file and upload it..
Its very important that you install few security plugins such as Sucuri, Wordfance and iThemes security so your site will not get hacked and panelized by Google security..
Blog is perfect way to get some traffic to your new WordPress website, about your business or blog stories, some of the stories will be popular on Google search and will bring visitors to your site..
Creating WordPress website is simple and easy with WordPress Gutenberg page builder, sing up with SiteGround the most recommended hosting for WordPress and try using our Gutenberg-ready theme, its simple just drag and drop and add new blocks, headings, videos, images, quotes etc..
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