byMaddy Osman Updated September 8, 2018 Business Tips, Growth and Marketing Tips Leave Comment... Worldwide retail e-commerce sales are expected to rise to $4.058 trillion by 2020, almost 3x the in 2015, accounting for 14.6% of all consumer retail spending.. ... The simple act of optimizing to encourage positive post-purchase behavior can have great impact on the rest of your e-commerce business. Optimizing for post-purchase behavior has direct impact on satisfaction, leading to more brand advocates, and increased income and sales... In order to optimize for positive post-purchase behavior, communication must be it has been found that customers want response from company within five minutes or less and that 93% of companies cannot achieve this. 32 companies 7% responded within 5 minutes 240 companies 55% took 5+ days to respond or did not respond at all.. WooCommerce offers variety of customer service integrations that can help you communicate with your customers Freshdesk, and others... email is the best and most platform for e-commerce customer communications, channels like text and push notifications are also becoming popular, as 38% of consumers want to hear from retailers multiple ways.. Encourage engagement by asking customers to share their purchases on media, inviting them to follow you on media and sign up for your list, inviting them to complete satisfaction survey, and asking them to leave review once they receive their purchase... yours must be uncomplicated and easy to join order to encourage sign-ups... After all, people appreciate one-to-one emails over something that feels more like mass send. 86% of consumers say personalization plays in their buying decisions and 87% of shoppers are driven to buy more when online stores incorporate personalization.
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