and image editing software before that, I have always made it habit to optimize my images before I upload them. I chose this plugin has million plus installs and won Torque's Plugin Madness the couple of years. but this is the settings page to get you started. Now as you can see, the version limits your bulk smushing to 50 images at time, you will need to do that in batches of 50. This is good to do if you have in the past, or are in the habit of, uploading oversized images into your media library. bulk smush bulk smush. Once it reaches the attachment mark, it will pause and recommend that you upgrade to Pro, and if you click resume, it will continue on the next 50.. On purpose, I have uploaded mix of small and large files, even one up to nine MBs, because I wanted to show you just how much Smush does compress your images. Smush will compress the image compressed image compressed image. Also, you can compress images stored on Amazon S3 if you are using WP Offload S3. smush directory smush. With the simple setup and bulk smush, you can set it, let it run and then take care of those future image uploads.
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