Google will always find ways to optimize their services on daily basis, and this means adding minor updates and launching major updates that shake things up every now and then.. 2018 was no stranger to host of updates from Google, as we have seen algorithm updates during March, July, August, and October. The recent update August introduced the world to Google Medic, which affected numerous websites related to business.. This update caused good amount of issues for lot of websites, and this means that you would have to optimize to ensure that you would still be able to retain your search rankings and keep your traffic steady. By the rise and drop of rich snippets in, March update is series of updates that focus on content quality, as evidenced SERPs. July update is known most for Google Speed Update, which put focus into mobile page loading speed. These series of ranking fluctuations were both temporary and permanent, which led to numerous websites making sure that the user experience on both desktop and mobile are well-optimized and perform great.. This update is similar to March updates, as it contains series of broad and minor updates that affect number of websites. While the update did not state what kind of websites would be affected by the update, SEO professionals noticed that YMYL websites have been affected the most.. Google Medic is one of the most impactful updates in the past few months, and it's best to follow few necessary steps to ensure that you would be able to keep your search rankings and traffic well-paced and steady. Sometimes it's worth looking back to older articles, and even expand its traffic to help you rank SERPs..
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