We'll talk about the upsides and downsides of that, and then take diversion into PHP framework called Laravel, as it adds one final wrinkle to the whole story. In short, OOP is programming model that grew up because of the way that humans understand the world through objects. What's PHP Static Property.. Mostly in effort to make clearer to readers the I've drawn above about the differing behaviors of static methods and properties, you'll refer to them internally using the class name MyClass, self, keyword. Instead, you'd just call the function as, say, Converter fromInchesToFeet and get your answer It's quicker and more concise.. While the full meaning of that term is too big for this specific article, the idea is that they're things that everything in the system can use, and might use, and so it's hard to control what's happening.. you keep methods and properties localized static methods and properties can cause action at distance where changes in one place affects others, without clear sense of why or how being available. One wrinkle to mention, briefly, is that that double PHP is used in MVC framework called Laravel. Mostly the fighting has receded, and for people seeing Laravel code for the time, the way it looks like it involves lots of static methods can often cause alarm.. Just know that PHP is almost always for accessing static properties and methods PHP, and you'll do fine.
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