Type or copy and paste your homepage URL into the in the middle of the page and click on Add Property... you can copy HTML Tag GSC and place it in Yoast SEO plugin under Webmaster Tools. Once your site is verified in the version of GSC, you can start using the new and improved Google Search Console.. click on the property you want to manage and then Try Search Console in the top left corner of your dashboard... you can click on Go to the in the bottom left-hand corner of your dashboard... For more information on Index Coverage report and to find out what to do about errors, Google documentation is going to be helpful.. Copy the path portion of URL where your sitemap lives and navigate back to the Sitemaps report Google Search Console. Simply click on URL inspection and or enter URL in the bar at the top of GSC and hit return... just click on the Help in the bottom left corner of the dashboard. Please reach out for SEO score or sign up for demo of Pathfinder SEO and find out how you can go from lost to found Google, Yahoo, and Bing...
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