In this tutorial, you will learn how to access number of administrative functions in your WordPress site using WordPress App for mobile devices.. For this tutorial, we'll use WordPress For Android version of WordPress app. The process explained below is similar for iOS devices ( e.g. tap on the menu at the top of menu section and select the site you want to administer... This plugin was developed by WordPress to deliver many of the features in the version of WordPress ( i.e. Next, log into your WordPress site and click on Jetpack your WP admin menu to access the main page... Once you have installed and configured Jetpack plugin for your self-hosted site, select Stats from your menu and enter your WordPress com login details to view your site's statistics... Now that you know how to use 'Admin section of WordPress Mobile App, the next step is to learn how to use 'Settings section of App.. In this WordPress SEO training series you will learn how to optimize your WordPress site and how to craft website pages and blog posts that will help you get better search engine rankings and improve your traffic results.. Learn how to unlock the power of WordPress content management system using the many powerful features inside your WordPress administration area.. WPCompendium org provides hundreds of FREE tutorials that show you how to use WordPress to grow your online with no coding skills required.
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