Designate the domain for your WordPress installation..
Download WordPress Acquire the version from
Database Creation Access your hosting cPanel, tap on MySQL databases, and generate database.
Upload WordPress With FTP client like FileZilla, transfer WordPress files to your server..
Finalize Installation Adhere to the on-screen instructions, including site naming and admin user creation...
For detailed guides and troubleshooting, consider diving into this article or WordPress Codex. 2.
The e-commerce scene is dominated by two titans WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads . 3.1.
Setup Post-installation, follow WooCommerce wizard to configure store specifications..
Whether you're marketing physical items via WooCommerce or digital products through EDD, the keys to success are within reach.
Harness the myriad plugins, themes, and resources at your disposal and delve into the realm of online retail...
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