you should not ignore the potential benefit of private network on SEO strategies.
VPN is solution that helps connect two parties on the internet anonymously and using encrypted network that is private.
local results from Australia — not result for India that you wanted.
As SEO specialist, you may want to know what the people of India searching for.
By using VPN, you can trick Google into thinking that you are from India.
This also means you can do local search and learn about the audience needs and try to understand what queries they are using.
Also, as SEO specialist, you need to have access to the different tools.
Working as SEO specialist, you are always expected to to keep tab on certain SEO stats and keywords that are relevant to your project.
One of the common questions that we receive is why use VPN when proxy can be used to the same effect.
If not monitored, the presence of quality links on the website can ruin the reputation of the site as it can be identified as black hat SEO move.
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