The main highlight of this update is the much improved coverage of WooCommerce, making WP Security Audit Log the ultimate. Prior to this update, WP Security Audit Log plugin already had sensor for WooCommerce that could keep log of all WooCommerce store settings and product changes. Below is list of IDs the plugin uses to keep log of WooCommerce Orders changes.. WP Security Audit Log plugin uses IDs to keep record of gateway changes in WordPress activity log. WP Security Audit Log Plugin uses IDs to keep record of coupon changes. Apart from keeping log of price or other option, the plugin can now also keep log of all of WooCommerce product admin and attribute changes. Until now WP Security Audit Log plugin could keep log of when manager adds or removes product from category. Here is the list of IDs the plugin uses to keep log of WooCommerce product categories changes. New plugin setting to configure the refresh rate and time of the live notifications in WordPress admin bar.. For list of what is new and improved in this new update of our activity log plugin for WordPress to the plugin change log..
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