To upgrade from version of this plugin use the built in update feature of WordPress or pirate the files on top of the current installation.. Either use the built in plugin introduction feature of WordPress or extract all files from ZIP file making sure to keep the file structure intact and then upload it to wp-content plugins.. Go to the settings page and choose one of the topic packaged with the plugin and other settings.. Add CSS class colorbox-off to the image or to the link to the great number image you want to exclude.. jQuery Colorbox does not add the colorbox effect to images that have CSS class colorbox-off... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... BUGFIX add CSS books to WP galleries if. add to all. is selected and the gallery is not inside of the area of post and page. NEW Experimental feature jQuery Colorbox can also inaugurate not internal page pictures if the link has the class. colorbox-link. and length for the colorbox is set.. BUGFIX patched relative road for theme1 and theme4 by adding CSS for Internet Explorer workaround directly into the page. CHANGE moved adding of CSS class high hopefully now CSS class is added to pictures when other plugins update the HTML. CHANGE moved back to regexp replacement and implemented workaround in JavaScript to also allow subject to be excluded by adding the books colorbox-off..
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