There is even Gutenberg block feature and if you are concerned about theft and most WordPress publishers are there is built-in feature that allows you to add non-removable watermarks to your images, even if you published them years ago. . For retailers, the plugin boasts find and replace feature which makes replacing images as stock and seasons change cinch and you wo not lose SEO link juice the page has already generated when you do so. . But now, there's new kid on the block, WP Meta SEO, and or frustrated with trying to implement and keep up with SEO for your WordPress website then this may be the plugin you've been hoping for all along. . Install the plugin and you'll be able to do things like add contact form block, create unique visually stunning gallery, upload video to its own block, create testimonial block in any post or page and much more. . Optimizing your WordPress site for speed without sacrificing user experience is difficult and delicate balance. You understand that images add weight that might slow your site down, and most WordPress sites, especially ecommerce sites, need great images and lots of them. . You also know that lots of things should be minified, that CSS should be clean, that caches need to be emptied regularly and you've heard lot about how DNS prefetching can speed up your site. By improving your bounce right, WordPress site owners have known for years that recent posts plugin can be great way to better engage readers on their blog, encouraging them to stick around longer and read more, something that's great for building audience and for boosting SEO. . It's important to search engines too, authority and trust, nothing to do with food means that they too want to see. Pricing tables are must if you sell anything, and there are lots of times that the best way to explain larger amounts of data or complex ideas, . . In conclusion, this is one WordPress plugin bundle we can recommend you check out, especially premium support for each of the plugins it includes and unlimited websites license, making it sweeter deal. ..
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