Loaded with features and choices without being overwhelming, Juliet Pro is the lifestyle, food, and personal blogging theme with girly, chic, and vibe. Specify IDs, the number of posts to display from each category, choose the number of columns to use and whether to display sidebar or not and you're good to go. The theme supports using the embed URLs of YouTube or Vimeo videos in the slider.. The sticky posts show up in special format, highlighting them and pinning them to the top for your readers. The theme has the option to stick your header to the top of the screen as the user scrolls down. The theme utilizes Jetpack Sharing to integrate media sharing in posts and the blog feed. The design has been altered to match the theme and you can control where the sharing links appear.. Ads are built in to the theme specify your own ads and they show up interspersed with your blog feed thus giving you maximum exposure and opportunity for monetization.. The theme integrates with Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails, MailPoet, Jetpack Sharing, and WP Instagram Widget.. There are post, page, frontpage, and default sidebars that can be used to create unique layouts. - Image or Text Logos - Choose Your Own Accent Color - 600+ Google Fonts - Google Analytics - Background Image Color - Custom CSS - Translation Ready - Sample Data Import - Extensive Documentation - Worldclass One-on-one Support.
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