Google is making significant changes to Chrome January 2017 that make switching sites to HTTPS necessity.
Depending on your hosting provider adding HTTPS to site can be 2 minutes of work and zero dollars, or it can be combination of about 50 dollars and few hours of work..
you can get SSL certificate for free.
you can buy commercial certificate and have the hosting company install it for you.
Certificates are, just like domains, purchased on yearly basis and have to be renewed, so the initial cost of about $50 you'll pay is not the end cost.
there's the option of generating Let's Encrypt certificate and then installing it on your site.
In theory, you can install it on any site, and in practice, things are more complicated, and chances are it's not going to be smooth sailing for you.
Change the Site address and WordPress address General settings to reflect URL.
We hope that migrating your site to HTTPS will be painless and done time so you do not get penalized by Google.
It provides easy to follow steps to start, maintain, and grow your blog..
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