LH Taxonomy Pinned Posts allows you to mark post to be displayed or stuck to the top of each archive page for the specified taxonomy. By default this functionality applies to category archives but this can be filtered to be used on any public taxonomy archive, faq below. Allows you to select which pinned post is stucked to the top of each archive. Will display the pinned post on the top of the first page of the archive just like built-in sticky posts. Navigate to the 'Add New Plugin Dashboard. Activate the plugin on the WordPress Plugin Dashboard... Go to the menu item, drill down to each term and use the drop down to to pin the post... By default the functionality is for category archive but this caj be filtered... Just use the filter and return the array of taxonomies that you would like to enable pinning for... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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