With Library Viewer you can display the containing files and the containing folders of a specific folder of your server to your users in the front-end.. If you want to add text above the front-end folders or below the front-end files, you can create via FTP file with name include php in FTP folder that you want texts to be shown.. In Library Viewer Pro you can set the seconds of user is waiting the redirection as you like ... With Library Viewer Pro you can set the imgs of your choice for the folders that are appeared in the front-end.. With Library Viewer Pro you can set the character of your choice to replace the in the urls.. In this case, the shortcode prints all the containing folders and files and when user clicks on file will be redirected in https docs google com viewerng viewer url=http yoursite com library yourfile pdf, in Google Doc Viewer, that is. login page parameter does nothing, because user is not required to login before saw the file... If user is administrator or editor, after login the file will open in the viewer from PC laptop and will be downloaded from smartphone. my doc viewer does nothing here... After login, the file will open in the viewer from PC laptop and will be downloaded from smartphone... The ability of encryption of the path of your folder moved to Library Viewer Pro...
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