When you click publish on blog post, Linkbuildr scans your post and identifies all of the website's your article links to.. Byallows the creator to create Email Templates and save Contacts related to Domains... For new sites it displays pop-up window for each and suggests name and email for your to save, edit, or skip... With the simple click of the button, Linkbuildr sends email to each contact it found for hands free content promotion. To the right you have any created Email Templates, to the left you have all of Site Contacts.. Linkbuildr - New Site Contact This is the form that allows creator to enter the information for Site Contact.. Linkbuildr - Block Editor This shows Notification that there are Site Contacts in post that do not have all the information needed to reach out to. Upload the plugin files to the wp-content plugins linkbuildr directory, or install the plugin through WordPress plugins screen directly.. Management of Site Contacts & Email Templates is accessible from Linkbuildr Menu Item in the wp-admin... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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