Dave from New York just purchased XYZ, You can customize message using shortcodes like {date}, {time}, {first name}, {city}, {state}, {country}, {product}. When the order is original this shortcode information comes from the order when the order is virtual this information is auto-generated for you. Set how much old orders should be extracted for the notification, you can set this in Weeks, month and hours... Disable notification on mobile, mobile breakpoint start from 968px width, in the notification. Text color, font size, and weight of the Text. You can even customize color, font size, and weight for each of the text coming from shortcodes, so you can have different font size for {date}, and different font size for {product}. You can disable the option for the user, so user cant close notification.. It allows you to translate the text, we have our own translation system in place, so this will work with any translation plugin used by you like WPML or Polylang. You can show notification throughout the site, or you can control the notification page from these conditions, front page, product page, cart page, checkout page, sho page, category page... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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