Lovage Portfolio is WordPress plugin that allows you to show your works easily. It works with all themes, can be used as extension with our WordPress Lovage. You can add the layout with the shortcode everywhere or create page with the plugin page template.. Lovage Portfolio is, it includes many hooks that the developer can customize the template or post type slug.. Just insert to the page content to show the portfolio grid.. Shortcode Arguments number the number of posts per page e.g, pagination Show the navigation or not, 1 is enable, 0 is disable e.g, orderby date, title, rand e.g, order asc, desc e.g. Create page, and you can select 'Portfolio Grid Template in page attribute section.. How to customize the page, single post and taxonomy template.. First of all, create 'lovage-templates in the folder of your theme, then, create 'portfolio in it.. Second, open the folder 'lovage-portfolio > 'templates, you can see the template files, just copy them to 'theme-folder lovage-templates folder, and make changes, it will override the plugin templates...
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