The FreightQuote LTL Freight Quotes plugin retrieves your negotiated LTL rates, takes action on them according to the plugin settings, and displays the results as shipping options in WooCommerce cart or checkout page. If you opt for the free trial you will need to login to your Eniture Technology dashboard before the period expires to purchase subscription to the license. Use the Carriers link to identify which carriers you want to include in the dataset used as input to arrive at the result that is displayed in your cart. Use Quote Settings link to enter the information and choose the optional settings. 6. If you fail to define warehouse and product isn't assigned to drop ship location, the plugin will not return quote for the product. If the shopping cart contains one or more products tagged to ship LTL freight, all of the in the shopping cart are assumed to ship LTL freight. In the absence of freight class, the plugin will determine the classification using the calculation method.. Compare the details of the invoice to the shipping settings on the products included in the shipment. You can also login to eniture com using the username and password you created during the registration process and retrieve the license key from My Licenses tab... If you want to change the website with which the plugin is registered, login to eniture com and navigate to My Licenses tab..
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