Fortunately, WordPress watermark plugins exist as simple way for photography experts to make their mark on their content and ensure that no-one has the chance to steal their work.
Here, we're going to look at just some of the best watermark plugins for WordPress on the web for 2018. 1. Envira Gallery..
The drag-and-drop building function means that Envira users can upload, re-size, and re-organize their images in no time so you do not have to struggle to create the gallery.
Additionally, the system ensures that you can protect every photo. 2. Easy Watermark..
Easy Watermark plugin allows photographers to add watermarks to their images as they upload them into WordPress library.
Another option on our list of WordPress watermark plugins, Image Watermark allows photographers to automatically watermark the images that they upload to WordPress library.
The option is manual which requires users to select the images they want to apply the watermark to in their library. 4. Sell Media Watermark Extension..
in our collection of watermark plugins for WordPress, Sell Media watermark extension allows you to defend your images from theft with single click.
for the best results, the creators recommend using PNG files and ensuring that the watermark is smaller than the in question. 5. WordPress Photo Seller Plugin..
The main purpose of this plugin is to help photographers in the industry sell their images through blog or WordPress website.
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