For this example I'm going to use this simple graphic so that you can see. The Soft Crop in WordPress is the same as what's known as Fit crop and is what we'd think of as pure resize. you'll end up with blank space.. you specify the soft crop with FALSE attribute, like this add image size. The hard crop will fill box of whatever dimensions you specify and cut out any other parts of the image that do not fit in that box. It has the virtue of making sure all the thumbnails are the same shape. The hard crop and soft crop are the common types of crop used for WordPress thumbnails. By default, the hard crop focuses on the middle of the image and cuts from each side for image or equally from top and bottom for portrait orientation.. It takes the middle of the image, which is the same as the hard crop. It makes sense to add these snippets towards the end of the in case the developer has some functions already added.
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