The goal of this plugin is to maximize your revenue, save you time, and keep you in control of your ad space...
OIO Publisher allows you to place ad spots throughout your web site in the zones that you like, and then go out there and sell those ads.
Once you've approved the advertisement, OIO Publisher will run the ad for the period that you were paid for, and it will email out statistics on how the ad is doing to the buyer.
OIO Publisher checks with paypal or their method to see if the payment was made.
it will notify you, remove the ad from the site..
You will still have to do the hard work order to get advertisers to purchase the ads from your site..
The downside of OIO Publisher and they can drive advertisers to your sites.
You will still have to do lot of work to get advertisers to your site..
The plus side of using OIO Publisher is that you get to keep 100% of the profits from selling the ad spots there is middle man fee that you pay..
This is fee, and you can use this plugin on as many domains as you want.
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