Usage mt courses parameter * restkey Microtango REST Key * attendurl Url for the attend form * mtattendform If set, the mt build form will be used fo attendance. Keine aktuellen Kurse vorhanden ) * pleasewaittext Displaytext for loading course list * loadcss If true, get customer specific css from cdn. * loadtemplate If true, get customer template from cdn. * templateid Id of template. The content of the courses in Column title {{FieldName}}# Column title {{FieldName}}. FieldName Values from microtango rest API. Kursname {{ Subject}}{{Name}}#Tag Zeit {{ StartWeekdayText}} {{ Timespan}}#Startdatum {{ StartDateText}}# {{Attend}} or. mt form parameter * restkey Microtango REST Key * formid The id of the form to use * redirecturl Url to redirect to, after the form post. We received your registration page here. * testmode If true, no registration, instead we return the mapped values as html page.. The in RESTApi field=Form field name# RESTApi field=Form field name. RESTApi field Values from microtango rest API. Season, SeasonID, Course, CourseID Will be set by the hidden fields. Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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