Mindful WordPress Theme WP with wide homepage design, from Theme Trust. The theme is made for creative people, business agencies, designer firms and all other type of business where product, service or design is main content. The theme homepage background is made with unique colors where header and footer are applied contrast color compare to body content are with professional and clean background.. Working with Mindful WordPress Theme is not hard especially when you want to chance color style or typography. The homepage has sequence text and all type of website contents using animation style, the slider gives you wide range of options to try different animation effects and time interval between slides.. Mindful WordPress Theme gives you bar below slider to add message for your visitors, whether you want to announce any discount, offer, new product launch or any other message it's perfect place to shout message. Moving forward on homepage, Mindful WordPress Theme also offers two columns space for custom text, it's best place to write couple of lines about what you do and other specialties about your business. The theme also includes special logo bar to show the pictures or brand logo of the most reputed clients you are serving, working with known business or people can make great impression especially on new clients. Sorting the portfolio contents is very easy with Mindful WordPress Theme where user get the benefit of automatic filtering. To simplify working with slider and portfolio posts it provides you custom post support and short-codes where most of the work will be managed and administrator will not have to go for manual programming work...
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